vendredi 16 mai 2014


And today I bought Pouik a baby friend: Abricot (short Bribri)!
I always considered Pouik a small guinea pig but well he grow up and the new kid is 3 times smaller, which is funny.

I wasn't supposed to buy Abricot, God knows we already have far too many animals at home. I just thought you know since I don't bother anyone with Pouik it would be exactly the same, I'm not gonna bother anyone with her either... I look after Pouik anyway so why not look after one more. And they could entertain themselves, they wouldn't be alone when I'm away so everyone's winning!

Actually I was a bit worried about how they would accept each other. More precisely how Pouik would accept Abricot. Because Pouik has always been a single child so he's extremely jealous when I spend time with the other guinea pigs at home, not mentioning when they meet on His bed (yeah it's not mine it's his^^)

But I'm glad to see they get along pretty well, even in the same cage and all... Pouik shows her he is the boss, and all is fine. They don't even throw pellets in all directions, or kick their water bowl, or make the wood saw fly through the air, like what I expected! Okay a few pellets landed all around the cage but it could be worse. And now both guineas are sharing the "house".

I still wonder how I will carry her and Pouik together in the same socketbagpocketthing to travel once in two weeks to my family's house... And I still didn't tell them I bought her in the first place, they told me not to. I know, I know, we have enough pets, but she was waiting for me in that animal shop! And it was a she! (We only take females, even if I speak of some of them using "he", "him", "his"...)

Anyway, I have a new baby kik and Pouik himself welcomes her so that's a good sign isn't it? I don't regret it :)

Welcome to our family, Abricot!

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