mercredi 9 juillet 2014

Pouik's advantages

Pouik is older than me, I was adopted only two years after him so it's kind of normal that he has a special connection to Marie. They know each other for quite a long time now, and he used to be alone, without me to distract him.

So he has habits I find difficult to follow: for example he cuddles a lot while I don't really like that, he doesn't hesitate to jump on her knees, and most of all he doesn't escape when Marie puts him in the grass, whereas I run as fast as I can to hide somewhere. That's the reason why he gets to be trusted a lot more than me. One day I will be trustworthy too, you'll see.

As you can see, it has some advantages to not run away:

Climbing again?

Wonderful weather! They said it would rain this week so we rushed in the garden before the sun disappeared. And Marie had put our fence around a trunc, so we enjoyed playing with it and hiding under its branches.

 We stayed until the first drops fell... I wanted to stay but it seems like mini-sized umbrellas haven't been invented yet. Guineabrellas? There's something here to work on.

dimanche 22 juin 2014

New activities

Today I discovered a new activity: Tree-climbing! I've been put on a apple tree's branch and I looked around. How far I could see! It was a bit frightening though, I won't do it again anytime soon.

Let's party!

What the hell is that?!

samedi 31 mai 2014

The others I met

Me again! Outside on the playground I finally met the other guinea pigs of the family, those who stay here and don't come with us.

The two seniors I showed you a foto of previously:


The three given white apple-guineapigs:




They are called apple-guinea pigs because the previous owner gave them baths with apple-shampoo, so they smelled like apple when they arrived. Now they don't anymore, my owners find it a bit barbarian to give a bath to a guinea pig. Only if it's absolutely necessary, like that time when Pouik had covered me with wee-wee, I was completely dirty and sticky and smelled awful, so she kind of had to give me a bath. I didn't like it, especially the drying part. Anyway. Pouik doesn't bombard me with her wee anymore so I guess I'm gonna be able to avoid baths in the future...

Guinealy, Abricot.

First trip outside!

Today was a beautiful day so Marie decided to put us guinea pigs outside. We enjoyed it, and I was barely visible, so small and hidden inside the grass! So many things to discover! Marie was a bit worried that I could eventually slip through the bars of the fence, because there were some larger holes in it: but I didn't even think about that. I was too buisy grazing and sniffing...

I have a white paw, like a sock! :)

We stayed quite a long time, the whole afternoon, and I was very tired after that. I'm gonna sleep well tonight.

mardi 20 mai 2014

Carpet afternoon again

I jumped and ran all around it was soooo funny! And Pouik started to do like me! Feeling good now. I enjoyed playing and quarreling. I even jumped on Marie to eat when I saw Pouik do it. Thought it couldn't be dangerous... 

I really love these endives, Pouik showed me that they were eatable and since then I can't get enough of them!
On the second foto I look like a squirrel without tail haha or a mouse

Guinealy, Abricot.


In these videos our owner filmed we are playing on the carpet, a mix of hierarchy-testing and game. I haven't understood yet that I could wander beyond the carpet, I stay on it like on a recue boat...

And this one is about motherhood: Pouik behaves just like a mum and hushes towards me, her new baby, when I call!

Guinealy, Abricot

dimanche 18 mai 2014

My friend Pouik when she was my age

Just a little foto gallery for you to get to know Pouik, the most companion-like guinea pig Marie has ever had. You'll see she was really small when she was bought! And she would do the most cute and funny things, look:

That is her sleeping in this sock of hers, such a sweet little baby, all confident and trusting! I'm not so calm yet, I move all around and never really sleep like she does... But I guess it's my personality, I have a lot of energy.
Sometimes I king of jealous because Pouik and Marie have a special connection and they seem to understand each other so well. Hopefully one day it will be the same with me! I know, I'm a new guinea pig and I have to create my own place in her heart, but with Pouik as a model I have a long way left to go.

Okay now just though you meet some of the others: Louisa in the upper house, Bibi in the one below, Quick on the right but Quick passed away so the main guinea pigs back home are Louisa and her daughter Bibi (real daughter, she was born on Christmas)

I haven't met them officially, waiting for Marie to take us to her parents' place where they live. I hope they will like me!

Guinealy, Abricot

vendredi 16 mai 2014

Introducing me. Guinealy, Abricot.

I know I look a bit terrified for now but it's not going to stay that way, I just have to fit in and get used to my new environment. And to Marie's bad cooking too - she burnt some toasts for lunch, like really burnt, nothing better to get everything smell bad for a week, and now my fur smells like burnt toast too...

Guinealy, Abricot


And today I bought Pouik a baby friend: Abricot (short Bribri)!
I always considered Pouik a small guinea pig but well he grow up and the new kid is 3 times smaller, which is funny.

I wasn't supposed to buy Abricot, God knows we already have far too many animals at home. I just thought you know since I don't bother anyone with Pouik it would be exactly the same, I'm not gonna bother anyone with her either... I look after Pouik anyway so why not look after one more. And they could entertain themselves, they wouldn't be alone when I'm away so everyone's winning!

Actually I was a bit worried about how they would accept each other. More precisely how Pouik would accept Abricot. Because Pouik has always been a single child so he's extremely jealous when I spend time with the other guinea pigs at home, not mentioning when they meet on His bed (yeah it's not mine it's his^^)

But I'm glad to see they get along pretty well, even in the same cage and all... Pouik shows her he is the boss, and all is fine. They don't even throw pellets in all directions, or kick their water bowl, or make the wood saw fly through the air, like what I expected! Okay a few pellets landed all around the cage but it could be worse. And now both guineas are sharing the "house".

I still wonder how I will carry her and Pouik together in the same socketbagpocketthing to travel once in two weeks to my family's house... And I still didn't tell them I bought her in the first place, they told me not to. I know, I know, we have enough pets, but she was waiting for me in that animal shop! And it was a she! (We only take females, even if I speak of some of them using "he", "him", "his"...)

Anyway, I have a new baby kik and Pouik himself welcomes her so that's a good sign isn't it? I don't regret it :)

Welcome to our family, Abricot!
So these are the earliest fotos of Pouik, about 2 years ago. Little cutie who did weird things like jumping into my cupboard or sliding through holes...

 I take her everywhere with me in a special pocket, this blue thing you can see on the photo above. She's used to it so she just sleeps during the journey (1 hour from my parents' place to my appartment where I study)

 I have never seen that before: the dog was totally in love with Pouik. He completely ignored the other 3 guinea pigs and just focused on mine, that was hilarious

Furry friends

I should have started this blog a long time ago. I have had pets since I was young and that's when it began. My love for animals and nature and pretty much everything that makes my personality! I own that to them, these tiny little guinea pigs who just arrived in my house and made no judgements about anything, that just lived. Animals are an example for us humans, they remind us to LIVE.

So I've been in contact with many different types of animals, and this blog is for them, in their honor, and to share my love and experiences with everyone.
Meet my furry friends!